Tag Archives: reading

The Secret Keeper

Got myself another Kate Morton book today and I’m super excited.
I’ve got three of them now, I think there’s just one more to go.

I really love her writing style.

Which brings me to when I first read a book by the above author.
It was her best seller titled ‘THE HOUSE AT RIVERTON.

That day I had taken a train from Schipol in Amsterdam that was heading towards the north of the Netherlands.
It was a journey of over 2 hours which I was looking forward to because I had a ‘juicy’ new book in my handbag.
Settled comfortably in a corner of the train I brought out my book and was soon oblivious to the world around me.
About an hour or so later, from some far recess of my mind I noted two men were standing very close to me.
I resented that as I was sure there were still free seats around,besides I felt it was improper how close they were and so I looked up from my book and frowned briefly making sure that they saw how distasteful I found their proximity.
Immediately, I was back in the old house in the book, with the sisters.
Few moments after giving them the bad eye my brain began to have a conversation with itself.

‘These men are still standing very close to you.’

‘Yes I know that and it’s really annoying.’

‘Did you notice that they are wearing blue uniforms?’

‘Of course I did. Now can I please read my book in peace?’

‘The uniforms have a logo at their breast pockets.’

‘YESSS, I saw that.’

‘Is that not the logo of the National rail line?’

‘Oh My God, of course it is.’

I looked up quickly.
One of the men had a big satisfied grin on his face.
They were the conductors (ticket examiners) who had been patiently waiting for my ticket.
Apologising profusely I fumbled in my bag for it.
One of the conductors, after stamping my ticket said that he had never seen anyone get so engrossed in a book as he had just seen.
They had asked for my ticket when they got to my seat but I did not respond even when they repeated the question in English.
They therefore decided to stand as close to me as possible (probably thought I was deaf 🙂 ) in the hope that I would then notice them.
That hadn’t worked as well.
One of them had become so fascinated that he had decided he would wait and see how long it would take me to finally ‘see’ him.
The second colleague had gone on and finished off with the other commuters and returned to resume standing by me.
That was when I had finally looked up and gave them the dirty look.

They wanted to know the name of the powerful book that was capable of rendering people deaf and blind.
Amidst more banter they walked away some moments later.

You can now see why I’m really excited about this new one.
I hope it’s a super read.

Not sure I will travel with it though.
