Tag Archives: Life

Say When 2



You see the picture above?

This is a plant that has adorned my kitchen window for the last 5 years.

I don’t remember it’s name now but it gave out red flowers about once or twice a year, beautiful vibrant flowers that lit my kitchen.

To this plant I’ve talked, ranted, sang and danced. This lovely plant has been a dependable confidant listening to my off tune singing, lusty prayers and frenzied dancing. It has been a keen reminder that this is my home my place of comfort, where I’m free to be myself. But you know what? Three months ago I and members of my family noticed that it’s leaves were turning brown. Concerned, I went out and got plant food which we administered religiously for weeks but the leaves just became dryer and dryer. Then in desperation I began to water it more often. I used to water it once a week in winter and twice the other seasons but despite the increased watering the plant kept dying on me until all that is left of this once leafy green plant with red flowers is dry dead sticks.

I acknowledged that the plant is dead and gone about a month ago but I’ve not been able to bring myself to throw it away or replace it. But I’ve finally made that decision. I’ve picked a date to throw it in the bin old vase and all, and I’ve decided to get a replacement that is bigger with a brighter coloured vase.

And this brings me to some things I’ve been thinking about since my kitchen plant died. I wonder. Are there dead things in your life as well? Like dead careers, relationships, even businesses? How did/do you manage them?

Are you like me, holding on desperately, doing all you can to revive/keep alive, hanging in there waiting for a miracle?

Do you even realise that your ‘plant’ is dead or do you think it’s just sleeping or a little sick?

You know, it’s one thing to hold onto something because we think it’s alive when in reality it is dead and it’s another thing to hold onto something when we know for sure that it is dead.

Ask yourself these questions. Is my ‘plant’ dead?
Is there a chance that it will come alive again?
Was this the right ‘plant’ for me in the first place?
How do I feel about this dead plant in my life?
Do I want to continue with it?
I’m I ready to continue with it dead leaves and all?
Is this plant occupying valuable space, a space that a better one can occupy?

Only you can answer some life questions.
Only you can make some life giving (changing) decisions.

Only, YOU.

Fantastic Mr (Dr) Fox?

Just last week I was contemplating the drudgery that my life had become during a rare quiet moment on the ward where I worked when I overheard someone asking of me.

‘Please, which of you is Dr ….?’ He was saying.

I looked up and through the glass window noted that it was a male nurse who’d started work on the ward that week.

One of my colleagues pointed me out to him and he came to stand at my side and said-

‘Dr …., I  thought you should know that Mr X in room X thinks very highly of you. He says that you’re very good and really switched on.  He said that to one of my colleagues yesterday and has also just said so to me and I thought that I had to meet you and let you know.’

When his words sunk all heaviness due to the extremely busy nature of my life vanished instantly and were replaced by a light, happy feeling.

I smiled widely and thanked him for letting me know.


That evening, I stepped into my house singing.

My feet was light and my back straight. All the mental and physical tiredness had vanished without a trace.

That’s how powerful the effect of encouraging words are.

They give life, strength and hope to the falling.

Please make it a duty, when you can, to encourage people you encounter on your way in this journey of life. You never know, you might be saving a life.

Oh by the way, happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️

Still Here

imageI’m so incredibly busy these days that I’ve not been able to put up a post, not even a 50 word one in two whole weeks!

I know many of you keep checking for new posts and some have even asked why the silence, that’s why I’m here to say that I’m still very much around and haven’t abandoned this blog.

There are too many things to get through in a day that sometimes I wish that I can borrow some hours from the next day to extend the present one.

I think what I need is a nice quiet break somewhere like the place in the picture. (Did I hear someone say dream on ? :D)

OK, I will keep posting and try my utmost to make it regular. Maybe once a week, likely on a weekend.

Please bear with me and keep checking. Thank you for your understanding.

By the way, which segment of my writing are you looking forward to the most? I could put up those first  if I know what they are.

Have a lovely weekend.



We ought to celebrate our lives.

We do not need to wait until we have one major achievement or the other.

There are many things in life worth celebrating and sometimes the really beautiful things are not necessarily the big ones. At times, it is the smaller things that add up to become the one big thing we are hoping for.

If then we keep postponing our celebration because the big things have not yet arrived, we may end up missing the chance or the pleasure of celebration when we finally do.

Let us be thankful, for health, for life, for family and loved ones.

Let us celebrate the work of our hands, where we are, how far we have come.

Let us celebrate the victories, the lessons learnt.

Let us celebrate the small things in our lives while we work towards the big ones.

Let’s celebrate.

What are you celebrating?

People Will Talk.

Jobs and equity key to Africa's poverty fight

People will talk.

Whether you do or you do not.

They will talk,

If you work very hard.

‘My goodness,’ they will say. ‘He works too hard.
He must have little else to do with his life!’

They will also talk, if you don’t.

‘I have never seen anybody as lazy as he, always loafing around. What a waste of space!’

If you enjoy your own company,
and like to remain indoors…

‘He must be queer.’


‘Something bad is definitely going on, otherwise why is his door always locked?’

And if you are the busy, never at home type?

‘She spends so much time outside, what is she running away from at home?


‘When does he get to spend quality time with his family if he is never at home?’

If you are studious.

‘She’s always studying, what a boring person!’

If you are not…

‘No wonder she’s such a loser, what an unserious fellow.’

If you are friendly.

‘Why is she so friendly?
She must be promiscuous.’

If you are not.

‘What a snob and very rude too.’

If you like to mind your business.

‘What an uncaring and insensitive person!’

If you don’t?

‘Why can’t she mind her own business?
She’s such a gossip!’

If you buy yourself a present.

‘What a spendthrift! With all the poverty in Africa…’

If you do not.

‘What a cheapskate, he can’t even get himself a decent pair of shoes.’

My point?

People will talk.
Whether you do or you do not.